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Preliminary Agenda

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Day 1:Opening Ceremony、Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions

Day 2:Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions

Day 3:Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions、Closing Ceremony

Day 4:Technical Visits and City Culture Tours

Technical Visits:

The Pingtang River Estuary——The Three Shipping Hub Projects of the Pinglu Canal(Madao Hub、Qishi Hub、Qingnian Hub)——Beibu Gulf Port——Smart Port Innovation Center——Longmengang Town

City Culture Tours:

1、The Ancient Loong Kiln by the Qinjiang River—Qinzhou Old Streets—Guangzhou Guild Hall—Blue Gulf Scenic Area

2、Shajing Island Mangrove Forest Park—Xiandao Park—Longmengang Town—Xiliwan Rural Tourism Area —Sanniangwan Scenic Area

3、Liufengshan Tourist Attraction—Dalu Village Cultural and Ecological Tourism Area

4、Wuhuangshan Scenic Area—Shizu Zen Tea Garden

Preliminary Agenda

Day 1:Opening Ceremony、Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions

Day 2:Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions

Day 3:Keynote Lectures、Invited Presentations、Parallel Sessions、Poster Sessions、Closing Ceremony

Day 4:Technical Visits and City Culture Tours

Technical Visits:

The Pingtang River Estuary——The Three Shipping Hub Projects of the Pinglu Canal(Madao Hub、Qishi Hub、Qingnian Hub)——Beibu Gulf Port——Smart Port Innovation Center——Longmengang Town

City Culture Tours:

1、The Ancient Loong Kiln by the Qinjiang River—Qinzhou Old Streets—Guangzhou Guild Hall—Blue Gulf Scenic Area

2、Shajing Island Mangrove Forest Park—Xiandao Park—Longmengang Town—Xiliwan Rural Tourism Area —Sanniangwan Scenic Area

3、Liufengshan Tourist Attraction—Dalu Village Cultural and Ecological Tourism Area

4、Wuhuangshan Scenic Area—Shizu Zen Tea Garden